A Primate’s Postponement

Mila expected to start her summer with baby pools, bare feet, and giggles from her children. A primate had other plans which lead to PICC lines, IV medication, and lab draws.
June contains the summer solstice, the day with the most daylight hours, and is often a celebrated month for children as school lets out for the summer. It’s during this month the summer sun comes out just long enough to warm the water of backyard swimming pools and mothers welcome the presence of little bare feet.
One hot day just before the weekend, Mila, a mother of two with limited English proficiency, had visions of their simple weekend in their small town. But life is predictably, unpredictable, and with an occupation such as an animal trainer, workplace injuries happen. Mila did not anticipate being bitten by a primate in the facility in which she trained, but she did anticipate receiving a high level of care from her employer after it happened.
Mila was diagnosed with osteomyelitis, a rare bone infection. If left untreated it can result In bone death due to decreased blood circulation within the bone. Areas where bone dies may need to be surgically removed or amputation of the limb.
The adjuster, who was already familiar with MTI’s translation services, recalled MTI’s training surrounding their Infection Prevention Program and quickly referred the case to us for durable medical equipment and supplies, home health, complex care, and language services.
MTI America provided the necessary clinical oversight for a total of four weeks. The treatment consisted of IV antibiotics delivered once in the morning and again in the evening. Mila felt confident our HIT (Home Infusion Therapy) Division ensured she received the right medication, at the right place, at the right time. As eloquently said by Janet Kus, RN., “today’s healthcare environment requires innovative products and services that deliver and manage the ever-changing demographic, language, and cultural barriers.”
MTI also provided wound care three times a week. As you may know, infection may complicate the healing process of wounds. As a result, MTI’s clinical oversight team took a multidisciplinary approach to Mila’s wound management, which resulted in an optimal outcome.
MTI’s clinical oversight team and care coordinators also ensured the seamless coordination of her durable equipment and medical supply needs and provided the interpretation needed for Mila to understand critical conversations, documents, and medical records.
Mila was discharged from the IV antibiotics and the PICC line in late July, which afforded enough time to enjoy those backyard giggles in bare feet.