April 2024 Newsletter – MTI America

April 2024 Newsletter

April 2024 Newsletter


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Issue: April 2024
HealthLink360 Newsletter

From Bedside to Destination: Minimizing Complications During Transport of Complex Care Patients

From Bedside to Destination: Minimizing Complications During Transport of Complex Care Patients

For workers’ compensation adjusters and nurse case managers, ensuring the safe and efficient transport of complex care patients is critical to their role. These patients, often with multiple injuries or chronic conditions, require meticulous planning and a coordinated effort to minimize complications during transport. Ensuring patients are safe during transport is important and needs constant attention. If we’re not careful in how we handle patients with complex care needs, we could accidentally hurt them or mess up important medical devices they need. Let’s dig into some key strategies to achieve a smooth and successful transfer, focusing on communication, collaboration, and meticulous preparation.

Pre-Transport Planning: The Bedrock of Success

MTI strives to provide a hassle-free patient transfer experience. Here’s how we plan to achieve it:

Clear Communication: It is essential to keep everyone informed throughout the process. This includes the adjuster, case manager, the facilities involved, and the transport team. We will ensure that all medical records, including the patient’s condition, medications, allergies, and any special equipment needs, are shared securely.

Collaborative Assessment: Together with the medical team at the sending facility, we will assess the patient’s condition to determine the best transport option, whether by ambulance, air ambulance, or another method. We will consider the patient’s stability and any equipment needs.

Equipment Inventory: We ensure that all the necessary medical equipment, medications, and supplies are on hand for the transport. This includes ventilators, monitors, pain medication, and specific wound care supplies.

Route Planning: We will carefully plan the transport route, considering distance, traffic delays, and weather conditions.

Ensuring Continuity of Care

Detailed Handoff Report: Prepare a comprehensive report for the receiving facility, outlining the patient’s medical history, current medications, vital signs, and any specific interventions implemented during transport.

Post-Transport Follow-Up: Maintain communication with the receiving facility to monitor the patient’s progress and address any concerns that may arise.

By following these strategies, we managers can significantly reduce the risk of complications during the transport of complex care patients. Effective communication, meticulous planning, and a focus on patient comfort and safety will ensure a smooth transition from bedside to destination, promoting a faster recovery for the injured worker.

New Phone Menu

At MTI America, we are committed to delivering exceptional service and ensuring your experience with us is as smooth as possible. We are thrilled to announce that starting on May 6th, we will launch an updated phone menu designed to improve accessibility and streamline communication.

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If You Don’t Speak Your Injured Worker’s Language, They’ll Find a Lawyer Who Does

No employer wants to see their employees injured and out of work, and no worker wants to be stuck at home worrying about the longterm consequences of both their injury and their time away from the job. A fast return-to-work is good for everyone.


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Desk Stress Relief Techniques
for Adjusters and Case Managers

Stress can be an unwelcome companion in the fast-paced and high-pressure environments that adjusters and case managers often work in. Long work hours, intense focus on detailed claims, and the emotional toll of managing sensitive cases can contribute to high-stress levels. Implementing effective stress relief techniques is crucial for personal well-being and maintaining productivity and job satisfaction. Here are several strategies explicitly tailored for adjusters and case managers to manage and alleviate stress at the desk.

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Structured Breaks

Regular, short breaks can significantly reduce stress levels and improve overall efficiency. The Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for 25 minutes and a 5-minute break, can be particularly effective. During these breaks, stepping away from the desk, stretching, or doing a brief meditation can reset your mind and ease tension.

Ergonomic Setup

Physical discomfort contributes significantly to stress. Adjusters and case managers spend many hours at their desks, making an ergonomic setup essential. Ensure that the chair supports the lower back, the monitor is at eye level, and the keyboard and mouse are placed to prevent strain. Using a standing desk or an under-desk elliptical can also help reduce physical strain and mental fatigue.

Mindfulness and Breathing Exercises

Mindfulness exercises can be integrated seamlessly into the daily routine of adjusters and case managers. Simple breathing techniques, such as the 4-7-8 breathing method, can be done at the desk. This involves inhaling for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling slowly for 8 seconds. Such practices can help in calming the mind and reducing anxiety.

Visual and Auditory Relief

Changing what you see and hear can also impact stress levels. Personalizing the workspace with plants or artwork can provide visual relief and a sense of calm. Additionally, listening to soothing music or nature sounds through headphones can create a more relaxing atmosphere.

Task Management

Effective task management is crucial in high-stress jobs. Using digital tools to prioritize tasks, set reminders, and track progress can help manage workloads more efficiently. Breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable parts can also prevent feelings of overwhelm and help maintain focus. Check out our Tech Tips.

Peer Support and Professional Help

Sometimes, talking things through can help in managing stress. Adjusters and case managers can benefit from forming support groups with colleagues to share experiences and coping strategies. If stress becomes overwhelming, seeking professional help from a counselor or therapist specializing in occupational stress can be beneficial.

Physical Activity

Incorporating physical activity into the day can significantly alleviate stress. Simple exercises such as walking during lunch breaks or quick desk workouts like chair squats or arm stretches can increase blood circulation and reduce stress hormones.

Proper Nutrition and Hydration

Maintaining a balanced diet and staying hydrated can also influence stress levels. Avoiding excessive caffeine and sugar, which can spike anxiety, and opting for nutritious snacks like nuts or fruits during breaks can sustain energy levels and mood throughout the day.

Adjusters and case managers handle critical tasks requiring high mental and emotional engagement. By implementing these desk stress relief techniques, they can manage their stress effectively and maintain their well-being, ensuring they remain productive and focused on their important roles.

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