September 2023 Newsletter – MTI America

September 2023 Newsletter

September 2023 Newsletter


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Issue: September 2023
HealthLink360 Newsletter

Rediscovering Your Purpose
as a Claims Professional

Rediscovering Your Purpose
as a Claims Professional

Join our webinar “WC Talent Shortage – Adjuster & College Student Insights.” 

September 28th at 1:00 PM EST

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Most people seek purpose in their lives, and that includes work. BetterUp Labs conducted a nationwide survey in 2017 to analyze the value of meaningful work. They received 2,285 responses from American working professionals across 26 industries in America. The survey found that today’s talent seeks meaningful, purpose-driven work. Participants said they are more satisfied and willing to work for less money when their jobs feel meaningful. In addition, meaningful work leads to less turnover, more productivity, and happy, harder working employees (Workers Value Meaning at Work, 2018).

A career in claims is more than a job. It’s a journey toward personal and professional fulfillment. Being a claims professional affords meaningful contributions to the workforce and the community. On average, 3.1 out of 100 workers will file a workers’ compensation claim this year, and the industry needs professionals to manage those claims. Being a claims professional requires dedication and commitment. Although it has its challenges, the rewards are numerous.

We get it.  Being a claims professional is not easy. There’s a long list of reasons why this role is hard. But there are some really great things about being a purpose-driven claims professional:

Making a Positive Impact

As a claims professional, you can significantly impact people’s lives. You work to secure compensation for individuals injured or who have suffered a loss of income. Through your work, you help them regain control of their lives, recover from their injuries, and return-to-work. Being able to help people in-need and make a difference in their lives is one of the most rewarding aspects of this job.

Continuous Learning

One of the most stimulating aspects of a career in claims is the opportunity for continuous learning.  The risk and insurance industry is continually evolving, and staying up-to-date on new laws, regulations, and medical standards is crucial to providing excellent service. With every case that comes your way, you have the opportunity to learn something new, whether it’s a new industry injury type or new technology and software.

Problem Solving

Claims professionals have the opportunity to use their problem-solving skills daily. Finding fair and equitable solutions to complex cases can be intellectually stimulating and professionally satisfying.


Comparing Telerehabilitation and AI-enhanced Telerehabilitation for Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation claims can bring many challenges, particularly regarding rehabilitation and recovery from an injury.

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Employee Spotlight

Krystina Dawson, CDA, CDAEF
Supervisor of Dental
and Physical Medicine

A background in the Dental industry, I have honed my skills as a dental assistant, insurance manager, and, most recently, a coordinator of both Dental and Physical Medicine teams. Read more


Jennifer Navarro
Diagnostic Supervisor

My primary mission is to ensure efficient operations within the call center, maintain customer service standards, and resolve any issues or concerns that may arise during scheduling processes. Read more

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Sept. 28, 2023
WC Talent Shortage – Adjuster & College Student Insights

Register Today
LABI Oct. 11 – 13, 2023
LABI WC Seminar

LABI Oct. 18 – 19, 2023
Virginia WC Commission Educational Conference & Exhibition
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Stay Sane in the Claims Game
The Ultimate Health Update for Professionals

6 Effective Listening Techniques in Communicating with Injured Workers

Workers compensation claims professionals often deal with injured workers who struggle to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Whether due to the pain or medication, some workers may not articulate their thoughts as clearly as expected. As such, claims professionals must possess effective communication skills, specifically active listening techniques, when talking to injured workers. Active listening is a crucial skill that allows an individual to focus on a speaker’s words and understand their perspective.

  1. Show Empathy and Understanding
    Active listening begins with empathy. When speaking with an injured worker, acknowledge their pain, frustration, or anxiety. Expressing empathy helps them feel heard and supported. Use statements like, “I understand this must be difficult for you” or “I can see how frustrating this situation is.” Demonstrating empathy sets a positive tone for the conversation and encourages the injured worker to open up.
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Solutions that
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Phone: 800-553-2155
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