Our culturally diverse mixture of clinical minds, connected technology, and ICC-Integrated CAT Care Coordinators provide compassionate expertise cultivate a trusting-inclusive environment based on collaborative dialogue and actionable goals that support claims adjusters and nurse case managers ability to focus on the bigger picture.
Specialty DME Products
- Complex & Standard Power Chair Systems
- Custom Wheelchair Configuration
- Smart Wheelchair Controllers
- Adaptive Seating systems
- Other specialized mobility devices as medically necessary

Meeting the Mobility Objective
Injured employees with long term catastrophic injures are often at high risk for developing pressure injuries due to the absence of sensation and inability to reposition themselves to relieve pressure. Our clinical team along with a certified ATP will help determine the right CRT (Complex Rehab Technology) products, physical and functional skills, functional mobility, and address accessibility to home, work, and general transportation.
We’re All About Outcomes
and Measuring Program Performance
Nurse Triage
Complex Rehab Providers Nationwide
Unique Product Offerings
Decrease in Wound Care Costs Utilizing Seating Specialist