The Terminix Must-Have: What’s Important When Selecting an Ancillary Service Provider

The Terminix Must-Have
Choosing the right company to manage workers’ compensation ancillary services can be overwhelming and employers should be taking a lot more than pricing into consideration. In this article, we’ll learn about some of the critical points Terminix needed to take into consideration.
It’s no secret the workers’ compensation industry is evolving, but what about your mindset when selecting a vendor for your ancillary services? Every employer has unique pain points and things they must take into consideration when selecting a vendor. We had the opportunity to interview Nancy McMorrow with Terminix to discuss some of their pain points and top must-have vendor item. Spoiler alert: It’s not all about the pricing!
Please tell us about your background and role at Terminix:
I have been in the claims industry for over 25 years. My claims journey began in the California market. I’ve served in various roles including a claims adjuster, supervisor, and manager.
I have been with Terminix for sixteen years and currently oversee 20+ states as the Regional Workers’ Compensation Manager. My counterpart and I act as a liaison between the Terminix branches, our third-party administrators for workers’ compensation, leave of absence, and our Human Resources division. I’m responsible for making sure we have fully evaluated every workers’ compensation claim and have it well documented.
I have developed workers’ compensation training for the branch managers, human resources, and our corporate leaders. We’ve also implemented a mandatory return-to work-program to reduce our DART rate (Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred).
Can you provide a high-level overview about the Workers’ Compensation program at Terminix?
Like many companies, we partner with a third party to help manage our workers’ compensation claims. This partnership gives us more flexibility on selecting and utilizing certain vendors to control medical spend and expenses.
We also encourage timely reporting of workplace injuries using certain protocols to hold the individual branches accountable. These protocols have reduced our lag time on reporting claims so we can make sure the Terminix employees get the appropriate benefits they are entitled to on a timely basis.
You said you have been with Terminix for 16 years. Historically, what are some of the biggest challenges?
One of our biggest challenges is securing the medical reports timely from the medical providers. And not only securing those records timely but making sure those medical providers know we have a mandatory return-to-work program.
Another big challenge is ensuring our TPA is referring the injured worker to our preferred vendors. We spend a lot of time selecting vendors for a variety or reasons.
In your opinion, what is the ‘must-have’ item when selecting an ancillary services vendor?
I know this may sound simplistic, but the number one must-have is a personal connection. In other words, I want a single point of contact dedicated to our account. Managing workers’ compensation claims is not easy and things happen. Having a single point of contact enables us to get issues resolved quickly and timely. This is what I enjoy most about MTI. I have a dedicated person with MTI and she always gets back to us timely on any issues that come up. We’ve recently experienced a unique set of issues. For example, we had an issue getting Terminix employees EPI pens when they have reactions to bee stings. MTI got right on it and was able to get our employees the supplies they needed within 24 hours.
MTI America helps many companies like Terminix with some of their biggest challenges. Our Regional Account Managers offer a single point of contact for each of the clients we are privileged to serve. They work closely with MTI’s Customer Service Response Team whose primary focus is on escalations and quality assurance.
MTI’s service standards also help companies like Terminix by securing notes from providers within 48-72 hours following the service.
MTI’s No-Show Prevention Program for transportation and language services and Catastrophic Care Programs are also attractive solutions to some of the biggest challenges employers face in managing workers’ compensation claims.
Go ahead, share your pain points with us. We’ll be happy to show you the MTI difference.
About Nancy McMorrow
Nancy is a Regional Workers’ Compensation Manager at Terminix. McMorrow has worked closely with the Risk Team for over 16 years. Her dedicated point of contact at MTI is Cheryl Stevens.
About Terminix
Terminix Global Holdings (NYSE: TMX) is a leading provider of residential and commercial pest control. The Company provides pest management services and protection against termites, mosquitoes, rodents and other pests. Headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., with more than 11,500 teammates and 2.9 million customers in 24 countries and territories, the Company visits more than 50,000 homes and businesses every day. To learn more about Terminix, visit, or